Walking with baby
Sunday 25th of February 2018
Although it’s cold and wintry, last weekend the sun was out so Zoe and I decided to go for a walk in Dunwich Forest. Given the rough terrain we decided against Emily’s pram and instead took the baby harness to put her in instead. yellow flowered bush in cleared forest land trees ready for logging Zoe at the end of the road forest path 1 forest path 2 archery range sign forest pond bench in the woo…
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Walking in woods and fields
Saturday 22nd of July 2017
A while back I went for another nice walk in nearby Dunwich Forest, but for whatever reason didn’t get around to making a blog post of it. So, here we are: some pictures of a roughly hour-and-a-half walk. field edge forest path leading into shadow trail of stones over a large puddle field gate latch hot, dusty forest road red tree and green trees telegraph pole and wires extreme closeup of forest …
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