The rain comes
Saturday 16th of September 2017
So, been a while. Haven’t been feeling very inspired lately – I’ve been taking my camera out a lot, but just not finding much worth shooting, or making much effort to. Still, the car needed to go in for MOT so that meant some time to kill, which basically meant enforced camera time. Alas, as the title says, the weather was overcast-into-rainy. Such is the way of things in late September in England…
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OCOLOY Week 32
Monday 19th of October 2015
Weather this week: almost entirely rainy or heavily overcast. Most of these pictures were shot at ISO 2000; the lowest was at 400, and that had to be pushed a bit in Capture One. Lens this week: Fuji 18 – 55mm! Yep, I decided this week I needed a break from the exclusive 35mm usage, as a sort of preview of things to come once I’m done with the OCOLOY project. The 18 – 55 is odd. The stabilisation I fi…
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