Saturday 14th of March 2015

Part two of the selfies from my Field Photographer achievement – see also part one: Eastern Kingdoms, and part three: Pandaria, Outland and Draenor.


Caverns of Time Caverns of Time

Deathwing’s Fall Deathwing’s Fall (yes I know it’s not really in Kalimdor)

Echo Isles Echo Isles

Halls of Origination Halls of Origination

Moonglade Moonglade

Nordrassil Nordrassil

Onyxia’s Lair Onyxia’s Lair, handle it

The Scarab Dais The Scarab Dais

The Shaper’s Terrace The Shaper’s Terrace

The Twin Colossals The Twin Colossals


Daggercap Bay Daggercap Bay

Dalaran Dalaran

Naxxramas Naxxramas

The Frozen Throne The Frozen Throne, brah #gauntletbump

Wintergrasp Fortress Wintergrasp Fortress

Wyrmrest Temple Wyrmrest Temple