Tuesday 10th of March 2015

I confess I was quite slack this week, not taking any photos at all until the weekend, and even then only getting out for an hour or so on a dull, cloudy evening.

Still, it was good to get out for a walk over to the beach again – with the bad weather it’s not really been worth it very often.

I also had some more thoughts on the ‘dishonesty’ of adding grain to my photos even though practically speaking the source data is mostly noise-free. The key word is ‘mostly’: while shooting at up to around 1600 ISO results in pretty clean images, beyond that the noise does start to become clearly visible even at the smallish sizes I use on this blog.

Given this, adding grain effectively means my images have a more consistent look regardless of which ISO setting the images were shot at, at least in terms of noise; of course, dynamic range is a different matter, but the contrasty, shadow-crushing tone curve I’m using sort of hides that too.

flowers on a benchflowers on a bench

dinged railingdinged railing

seaview benchseaview bench

seaward pathseaward path


cycle path signcycle path sign

suburban roof shapessuburban roof shapes