Huge Success
Sunday 30th of March 2025
A lot has happened since the previous post : A very foggy Christmas Miserable, cold, wet weather for weeks I booked a Direct Access course to get my full motorbike A licence I passed by full motorbike A licence test I got a proper grownup bike looking west across Neston marshes, with Wales concealed by fog on the horizon fluffy seeds caught on fence wire Damp, cold, and dull; it felt interminabl…
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A Mini Motorbike Adventure
Tuesday 5th of November 2024
One of my main motivations in learning to ride a motorbike is the idea that I can go places , touring on it to far flung parts of the world. I’ve always wanted to travel, but never really had the opportunity, either because I couldn’t afford it, or because the options available for actually getting around didn’t appeal to me. sign attached to a railing that says no parking at any time But a motor…
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Backlog: June 2018
Monday 19th of December 2022
Well, if I thought last month’s backlog was thin, this one was even worse. We went on just one outing, to Dunwich Forest, but other than that it was just shopping trips to Lowestoft, solo walking along the beach, and the usual pictures of Emily. As for said trip to Dunwich, well, it wasn’t terribly productive, photographically speaking, but Em enjoyed it and we had a nice picnic, so all in all it …
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Backlog: March 2019
Friday 25th of November 2022
Looking through my photo library, pictures from this month are mostly of Zoe and Emily – it seems I didn’t get out to do anything else very much. Still, you can never have enough pictures of your wife and daughter, so I’m not complaining :) Even now, almost 4 years on, Em still loves going on the swings. Emily on a swing One of the few times I did go out and, more importantly, come back with worth…
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Backlog: February 2019
Thursday 24th of November 2022
More fog this month, this time on a morning walk around Lound Lakes. While preparing the images for this post, I was inspired by a video I recently watched about the Hassleblad X-Pan/Fujifuilm TX-1, so decided to try cropping the images to that camera’s super wide 65×24 (1:2.7) aspect ratio. It’s certainly a challenge trying to find images to fit, as obviously none of them were shot with this in…
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Backlog: January 2019
Sunday 13th of November 2022
January, like the previous month , was quite sparse, photographically. I don’t recall why, exactly – perhaps it was the work involved in bringing up a 1-year-old, perhaps it was just the weather wasn’t especially cooperative most of the time. Or perhaps I was just lazy? Still, grey, overcast and dull weather can make for worthwhile photos if you approach it with a positive attitude. Lowestoft bea…
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Backlog: December 2018
Saturday 5th of November 2022
December is when winter really get stuck in, and offers frequent displays of soft, low sun. Despite this photographic bounty, December was a surprisingly low-output month for me; perhaps looking after a 1-year-old child took its toll. early afternoon on Coast Road It’s also a time of wrapping up warm when out and about. shoppers at Norwich market Emily wrapped up warm doing a superhero pose The lo…
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Portrait Night
Thursday 3rd of November 2022
Last night the photography club I’m a member of held a portrait evening. They’d held one a couple of weeks earlier too, but I passed on that one to go to the gym instead, as portraiture isn’t really my thing. In fact, portraiture hasn’t ever really been something I’m interested in. I’m not really a very outgoing person; I was very shy as a kid, and even now, having mostly got over that, I’m stil…
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Exploring the 7Artisans 25mm f/1.8
Saturday 15th of February 2020
About 2 months ago, I got the 7Artisans 25mm f/1.8 lens as a Christmas present from my wife. I’d been eyeing it up for a while, wondering if a fully manual lens would really be my thing. Considering I already own the two Fuji 23mm lenses (so more or less the same focal length), I wasn’t sure I really needed it. This is a remarkably inexpensive lens though: £79 from Amazon UK, so even if I didn’t r…
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Now with EXIF
Thursday 7th of June 2018
I got to thinking earlier how it’d be handy to have a small popover thing on my photos that shows the focal length, shutter speed, aperture and ISO of the shot. Turns out, there’s a JavaScript library that can read EXIF data, and it’s super simple to use. About half an hour of tweaking later and it’s done. Here’s a picture of my daughter looking unimpressed, to demonstrate: Emily looking unimpress…
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Stormy skies
Saturday 22nd of July 2017
Storms are great for generating dramatic skies: the mix of dark clouds and bright, sunlit sky behind has something magical about it. brewing storm behind houses stormclouds over residential area bright sky between dark clouds and dark ground
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More Norwich wandering
Saturday 15th of July 2017
Took these a while back when Zoe’s parents came to visit, and we had a walk around Norwich. For a change, I brought the 18-55 along instead of the usual 23/2 or 35/1.4. It worked out… ok, I guess? The convenience was nice, and if I don’t go pixel peeping, the sharpness is fine too. The bokeh was… not really a factor on this day, but I know for sure it can get weird at times. Still, there was o…
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Fairground: closed for the evening
Saturday 27th of May 2017
I’d been sitting indoors all day playing Nier: Automata and was feeling a bit guilty about it, so I went out to get some fresh air and walk around a bit. I didn’t really have anything particular in mind, but decided on Lowestoft seafront as it’s close by and I could hopefully get some good pictures before the sky went fully dark. Turns out the fair’s in town, although at this time of the day it’…
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Telephoto Oulton Broad
Thursday 11th of May 2017
I’ve had an old Pentax-M 135mm f/3.5 for a while now – something I inherited along with a Pentax MX film SLR that sadly no longer works (the mirror is gummed up). sailing dinghies on Oulton Broad I’m really not much of a telephoto shooter – the only other long lens I can use is my wife’s Fuji XC 50-230mm, which is… well, about what you’d expect for a modern low cost plastic lens: nothing particu…
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Fujifilm X-T2 review
Saturday 6th of May 2017
I’ve had my X-T2 for just over 3 months as I write this, and used it extensively, particularly during a week long holiday in Malta , so I’m confident that I now have enough experience with it to have something meaningful to say. I’ll be honest, though, this is mostly just my thoughts on things I value in cameras. First, some context I’ll say upfront that this review (if you can even call it that)…
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