Backlog: February 2019
Thursday 24th of November 2022
More fog this month, this time on a morning walk around Lound Lakes. While preparing the images for this post, I was inspired by a video I recently watched about the Hassleblad X-Pan/Fujifuilm TX-1, so decided to try cropping the images to that camera’s super wide 65×24 (1:2.7) aspect ratio. It’s certainly a challenge trying to find images to fit, as obviously none of them were shot with this in…
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Oulton Broad in winter
Sunday 29th of January 2017
It happened again: nice shiny morning, then overcast by the time I get to my destination. It even rained this time, just to rub it in. So, here’s some kinda dull pictures taken around Oulton Broad today. Lenses 60, 35/1.4 and 14, as usual. No 18 – 55 this time. life ring holder blue hose reel and rusty metal plate seagulls on a jetty dinghy park life ring around a pole stack of flotation barrels WOB…
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Ely: river
Thursday 17th of November 2016
This is the second of two posts of photos from Ely ; the first one has pictures from the town and cathedral. These ones are from along the banks of the River Great Ouse . small boats moored at a bend in the river Dutch riverboat riverboat cabin The Boat Yard bags of coal on a riverboat low bridge warning sign bramble branch in front of life buoy riverboat prow boats from “Bridge Boatyard” rive…
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Oulton Broad Boats, and lens/camera musing
Saturday 24th of September 2016
Since the weather was lovely this evening I went for a walk around Nicholas Everitt Park in Oulton Broad with my X-E1 and 18 – 55mm lens. This was also to satisfy some curiousity I had about the lens: have I been too dismissive of it in the past? (I’ve never really enjoyed using it.) small boat prow The lens gets a lot of praise, being sharper and faster than the average kit lens, and better-built t…
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Beach boat details
Monday 18th of July 2016
Yesterday the weather was hot and shiny so I went for a walk to Pakefield beach. I hadn’t planned it at the time but it turns out I got a nice selection of detail shots of the various boats. yellow tarpaulin with bugs blue and yellow ropes blue rope and green tarpaulin frayed tarpaulin on wood gunwale frayed tarpaulin on red partially covered rusty wire grid stones on matting several boats on the …
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OCOLOY Week 41
Sunday 20th of December 2015
I digressed a little this week, photographically speaking: the first two pictures in this post are not from the usual 35mm lens. The first is from the Fuji 18 – 55mm f/2.8 – 4, the mid-range ‘kit lens’ that most people seem to think is undeserving of the negative connotations such a term suggests. It certainly is a nice lens, especially given its price when bought as part of a kit, but I think I’ve be…
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Fuji 14mm at the beach
Sunday 16th of August 2015
Strictly speaking I shouldn’t be doing this. The rules state that one should only use a single lens for the year, and I chose the Fuji 35mm f/1.4, yet here I am dallying with the 14mm f/2.8. In my defence, I like to think I’ve been photographing for long enough now that maybe I don’t need to stick quite so rigidly to what is essentially a learning exercise. I’m still primarily shooting with the …
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Oulton Broad
Saturday 21st of March 2015
I recently went to nearby Oulton Broad , a large lake and marshland west of Lowestoft. Luckily the weather was shiny, and although a little chilly, by the time I’d done a fair amount of walking I was plenty warm. Hopefully when the weather warms up a bit more Zoe and I will go out here for a picnic, and have a walk around the local town. Oulton Broad looking east from Bridge Road The view east …
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Holiday in Malta, Day 8
Friday 11th of April 2014
Posts in this series: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 My last day in Malta! Although my plane wasn’t until 20:35, I didn’t want to go anywhere too far away in case there was a problem with buses or something, so we decided we’d visit Marsaskala again, like we did on my first day. Before that though, I went for another walk around Birżebbuġa, because I was curious about wha the big …
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