Backlog: April 2019
Tuesday 6th of December 2022
Apart from a couple of outings specifically done for photography reasons, this month’s output was pretty limited, consisting mostly of pictures of Emily and Zoe. As far as I can remember, this will be a common theme for much of 2019, but hopefully there’ll be enough material to keep this series going. Emily standing on a chair, in a sunbeam On the plus side, the fewer pictures I have to select fro…
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In the woods, overcast
Sunday 12th of February 2017
Well, the nice weather lasted but one day, so now we’re back to heavy overcast again, with all the dull flat light that entails. two old abbreviated ‘Footpath’ signs Perfect for a walk in the woods then! Ok not really, but still, I wanted to get out the house for a bit, rather than sit indoors playing Guild Wars 2 all day, so what the heck. forest track with stacks of logs I brought my tripod, sin…
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OCOLOY Week 41
Sunday 20th of December 2015
I digressed a little this week, photographically speaking: the first two pictures in this post are not from the usual 35mm lens. The first is from the Fuji 18 – 55mm f/2.8 – 4, the mid-range ‘kit lens’ that most people seem to think is undeserving of the negative connotations such a term suggests. It certainly is a nice lens, especially given its price when bought as part of a kit, but I think I’ve be…
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