Backlog: September 2019
Tuesday 3rd of January 2023
This was a strange one. When I adjusted my saved search filter in Capture One to show this month’s pictures, and saw over 500 of them, I was surprised and quite pleased. Perhaps this month I’d have to struggle to narrow down my choice to a reasonable amount of pictures? Nope. Turns out the vast majority of them are pictures of Emily. Don’t get me wrong, they’re adorable, because she’s adorable, bu…
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Backlog: July 2018
Friday 17th of May 2019
By July we’d finally moved in to our new house and unpacked most of our things. Em playing with my headphones We’d also started to explore the town and surrounding area. Hopton church farm buildings off the footpath from Hopton to Gorleston neighbour’s car overrun with brambles Em was getting a lot more mobile now – she could crawl quite easily, and was experimenting more and more with standing up…
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Still here: photos from Hoylake
Tuesday 16th of April 2019
I have been lax updating this, I know. Looking after an 18 month old really takes it out of you, such that I’ve not really had the motivation to write blog posts. I’ve still been making pictures, but for now they exist almost exclusively within my Capture One library. To break the fast, here’s some pictures from Hoylake I took during a visit to Zoe’s parents in Cheshire. I’ll make an effort in the…
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Summer streets of London
Friday 1st of June 2018
My work held its annual “let’s all see how we did this year” meetup thing recently, except this one was much shorter than in previously, running only from 13:00 to 16:00. This meant a) I could get up at a normal time, since my train was at 7:30 and not, like, 5:00 or something ridiculous, and b) I could have a bit of time afterwards to explore London while I waited for my 19:00 train. My colleague…
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Carlton Marshes in fog
Saturday 26th of May 2018
Another post with pictures from long after I made them! Getting to be a habit, although I’m not completely sure it’s a bad one: letting the pictures stew for a bit blurs the experience of when I took them, forcing me to see them for what they are in themselves, uncoloured by my memories of the time. I’m mostly serious, but it’s still partly an excuse for not updating my blog. Anyway. Carlton Marsh…
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Night and day, shadow and light
Sunday 11th of February 2018
I didn’t really appreciate just how much of one’s time a baby takes up until Emily was born. It’s not even just things like rarely having a moment alone; it’s the other stuff, like major limits on spontaneity, especially in winter. Zoe and I can’t just decide to go out somewhere now, as we need to consider how accessible it will be with a baby and maybe pram. Consequently this leaves less time for…
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The sea and the sun
Saturday 27th of January 2018
My parents are staying at our house while the purchase of their new house grinds along. I don’t get on well with them and have been feeling stressed lately, so Zoe and I took Em out for breakfast at the Lighthouse Café in Lowestoft, then for a walk along the seafront. A lovely shiny day it was, too! Cold, but good for clearing one’s head. After being up and alert while Zoe and I ate breakfast, Em …
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Further darkness
Saturday 13th of January 2018
As is common this time of year, the sky was quite heavily overcast. Despite the gloom, Zoe and I and my parents went to Norwich, primarily to look at beds for my parents’ new house, but we also went for lunch at Giraffe. We took Em, who was again remarkably well-behaved despite the usual initial upset when we, big meanies that we are, put her in the car seat. Gosh she doesn’t like being put in the…
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Afraid of the dark
Thursday 11th of January 2018
The monochrome preset I usually use for my raw files in Capture One has a small amount of shadow boost applied, and I tend to increase it even more when there are large dark areas in an image. As I mentioned in a previous post , though, darkness isn’t really a bad thing in pictures, depending on the feeling one is trying to evoke. Certainly for these pictures, taken on a dull overcast winter afte…
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Southwold Diptychs
Sunday 24th of December 2017
The weather forecast said it’d be shiny at dawn today but that turned out not to be the case. Instead, it brightened up about 11 o’clock, so Zoe and I made the most of it and went to Southwold with Emily for a nice walk by the sea. As with yesterday I shot with the Acros +Y film simulation, and +2 highlights, +4 shadows. Generally it worked well, but there were a couple of cases where +4 shadows w…
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Acros is better than I thought
Saturday 23rd of December 2017
Since I got my XT2, I’ve never really given the Acros film simulation a shot, but lately I’ve been trying it and been pleasantly surprised. I don’t know if I just didn’t have the right highlight and shadow contrast settings, but it’s got a lot of subtleties that I hadn’t appreciated before. The way the colour filters (e.g. Acros +Y) affect rendering is lovely – not too strong, but enough to make a…
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Black and white baby
Wednesday 6th of December 2017
It’s been a while since I read Koudelka’s Gypsies , but it’s got me thinking: all my complaining about the Fuji 23mm f/2 seems a bit photo-nerdery in the face of the grainy, dark, often blurry pictures in this book. Pictures that work just fine, and in fact are entirely appropriate for the subject matter. So here’s me trying to emulate Koudelka’s style, or at least the superficial look of the pic…
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Stormy skies
Saturday 22nd of July 2017
Storms are great for generating dramatic skies: the mix of dark clouds and bright, sunlit sky behind has something magical about it. brewing storm behind houses stormclouds over residential area bright sky between dark clouds and dark ground
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Some X-T2 + XF23/2 black and whites
Saturday 1st of April 2017
Another trip to Norwich today to get some Euros for our Malta trip on Monday. I hadn’t planned on making these pictures monochrome, but rendering one of them later as black and white made me think to give all the ‘good’ ones the same treatment. cycle path over foot bridge construction work on a building on King Street bush growing up a brick wall graffiti on a brick wall old man looking at market …
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Southwold in winter
Saturday 28th of January 2017
I thought we might get lucky with the weather today, and manage to get some nice shiny winter pictures in the Suffolk seaside town of Southwold, but although it was sunny on the drive there, as we arrived the clouds moved in and flattened all the light. Still, it’s kind of an appropriate aesthetic, the grey overcast weather reflecting the unbusy nature of a seaside town in winter. Took the 18 – 55 a…
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