Holiday in Malta: Day 4
Friday 4th of April 2014
Posts in this series: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 The long bus journeys of the previous day gave me plenty of time to peruse the Holiday Bus Map and decide where to go next. Holiday Bus Map Holiday Bus Map Ta’Qali crafts village sounded interesting, so that was today’s destination. As the map shows, there’s no direct bus from Birżebbuġa so I had to go via Valletta, which thank…
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Holiday in Malta: Day 3
Thursday 3rd of April 2014
Posts in this series: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 My destination for today was Għardira, the beach resort in Mellieħa , and being almost at the other end of the island from the flat, it was a two-hour bus ride away. Before I set off, I made myself a packed lunch and grabbed a bottle of Kinnie, a ‘bittersweet soft drink made from oranges and aromatic herbs’, native to Malta. bo…
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Holiday in Malta: Day 2
Wednesday 2nd of April 2014
Posts in this series: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 This post, and most of the others in this series from now on, will be a little more image-heavy than Day 1’s Despite waking up fairly early – around 8 local time – I didn’t get out of bed for quite a while, instead enjoying the lack of pressure to be anywhere at a particular time. The flat, like many in Malta (and I suppose othe…
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Holiday in Malta: Day 1
Tuesday 1st of April 2014
Posts in this series: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 On Sunday the 24th of March I left England for a seven day trip to Malta . It was the first proper holiday I’d taken in around 20 years and naturally, since photography is my hobby, I took a camera: my Fuji X-E1 and the Fuji XF 35mm f⁄1.4 lens. I also have an X100 and the 18 – 55 lens, but I took only the 35 for two reasons: firs…
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[photos] Foggy morning
Friday 14th of March 2014
I love how fog makes everything look so new and interesting. This morning I had to go to the shop to top up the electricity, and it’s a short walk I’ve done hundreds of times, so by now it’s a little difficult to find any inspiration along the way. Fog changes that, and fires me up nicely. main road, looking south main road, looking south old man returning with his shopping old man returning with …
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[photos] Red and blue
Thursday 13th of March 2014
I had to go to London on business yesterday, and while the weather was nice and the late winter sun made things look pretty, I unfortunately didn’t get much time to myself, so hardly took any pictures. Of the few I did take, however, I noticed an odd thing when it came to browsing through them on the computer: my favourite three all involved the colours red and blue. I never even thought about thi…
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Two Cows
Thursday 20th of February 2014
No idea where this came from – the Facebook post I got it from cites ‘Matthias Varga’, but I can’t find the original post. Socialism You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbour. Communism You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk. Fascism You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk. Nazism You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you. Bureaucratis…
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[blog] Comments: Disqus vs others
Thursday 20th of February 2014
Since Ghost doesn’t (and won’t, by design) have a native commenting system, it’s up to the blog owner to use one of the various third-party systems (or roll their own). I’d initially decided to try Disqus since it has a few nice features: It allows anonymous comments : for a small-time blog like mine, there needs to be as little friction as possible if someone wants to respond. It’s easy to integr…
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Adding typographic quotes to Ghost
Tuesday 18th of February 2014
As I write this, Ghost is at version 0.4.1 and does not include the ability to convert straight ‘ and “ quotes to their proper typographic equivalents of ‘ ’ and “ ”, nor does it convert hyphens into en– or em— dashes. Since I’d fiddled with an automatic converter for another project that also used the Showdown converter, I decided to try adding it to Ghost. It wasn’t as straightforward as…
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[photography] DPI is easy
Wednesday 5th of February 2014
Really it is, and yet I see so many people get confused about the concept. In a way it’s understandable, given the amount of misinformation out there, so here’s my attempt to explain it as simply as possible. DPI is about physical size This is the essential detail. Everything else stems from this, the concept of physical dimensions. It’s part of the name: dots per inch . A digital image can’t h…
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[WoW] Ups and downs of scaling
Tuesday 22nd of October 2013
As suggested by a recent leak , the next World of Warcraft expansion may introduce level scaling, similar to how Guild Wars 2 does it. The basic idea is that when you enter a zone or instance, your level and gear are scaled down to the maximum for that place, making much more challenging than it’d otherwise be. Up There are a few positives to scaling, based on experience with the system in GW2 .…
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[WoW] I transmogged my heirlooms
Sunday 20th of October 2013
Heirlooms are pretty great if you just want to get from 1 – 90 as fast as possible. There are two problems with being decked out in a full set of standard heirlooms, though: You look like everyone else in them. And worse than that, I kinda think the heirlooms are ugly as hell. You make new tanks/healers nervous. You see, heirloom gear is kinda overpowered, and many folks let this go to their head…
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[WoW] Walls of text
Thursday 17th of October 2013
World of Warcraft is a complicated game. The Godmother’s recent post on the matter , and specifically on ways to improve the in-game ‘player education’ aspect of it, comes just as Bhagpuss published a post on a similar topic, that of how newbie-friendly the game is. Both posts shine a light on the unfortunate fact that honestly, WoW doesn’t do much within itself to guide new players, or veteral…
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[WoW] Guide: using Hugin for panoramic screenshots
Thursday 17th of October 2013
Quick link: Hugin Panoramas are cool – they show a much wider/taller view than it’s possible to capture in one shot, and do so in a way that doesn’t have the same weird rectilinear or fisheye distortion you get from regular wideangle or fisheye lenses. Here’s an example of what I mean: Trial of the Crusader panorama If you actually go to the instance and stand in the same spot, you’ll notice r…
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