OCOLOY Week 30
Sunday 4th of October 2015
Thirty! It seems like the end is in sight now, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s been an interesting experience being limited to one (ish) lens for so long, and having that restraint lifted… well, I’m looking forward to it if nothing else because it’ll be something new. Will I start using my 18 – 55mm lens more again? Maybe. As much as I started out not feeling all that comfortable with…
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OCOLOY Week 29
Sunday 27th of September 2015
I made much more of an effort this week to get out and take pictures. I even got in my car and drove somewhere ! (Amazing, I know) As a result, I had quite a few more pictures to choose from than in previous weeks, which of course necessitated sharpening my editing (in the selection sense) skills. This, I think, is one of the challenges of this whole project: picking a small number of really good…
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OCOLOY Week 28
Tuesday 22nd of September 2015
Gosh what a rainy week! About five of the days it rained all the while there was sunlight, leaving me few opportunities for picture-taking. reflection in blue plastic reflection in blue plastic bikes lined up outside Costa bikes lined up outside Costa insect-looking leaf insect-looking leaf tram tracks to fence tram tracks to fence chainlink fence closeup chainlink fence closeup heavy cl…
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OCOLOY Week 27
Tuesday 15th of September 2015
Quite a local week, this one, as I didn’t really have time to stray far from the house during the day, and the weather was often quite a disincentive to venture further out anyway. Still, there were moments of light, although few enough that I had to use some of the photos I took the previous week to make up the numbers (which allowed by The Rules!). Regarding the last picture: yes, that’s our hou…
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OCOLOY Week 26
Sunday 6th of September 2015
This week I was definitely more active than last – I made a good effort to actually take some photos every day, even if I didn’t always go beyond my back garden. Saturday was perhaps the most ‘adventurous’, as Zoe and I went to Raveningham Country Fair . It was a little more… local than last year’s Heveningham Hall fair , and simply because of the smaller scale we were able to more or less s…
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OCOLOY Week 25
Monday 31st of August 2015
I honestly don’t have all that much to say this week. Here’s some photos. fairground swing ride fairground swing ride gate bolt gate bolt Tabbster on the shed Tabbster on the shed aircraft wing aircraft wing Dinky’s garden Dinky’s garden tree-lined road tree-lined road Bungay castle Bungay castle Mystère mouth Mystère mouth
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OCOLOY Week 24
Sunday 23rd of August 2015
I’m wavering. Black and white, or colour? I can’t settle on one, I like both. I think it’s the weather – shiny days make me want to capture in colour, and the weather represented by this week’s pictures is certainly sunny (and for walking around Ipswich, sometimes uncomfortably so). Although I did a bit of shooting during the week, none of it resulted in much of interest, so all of these pictures …
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JavaScript: getting started with RequireJS
Wednesday 19th of August 2015
Until recently, I’d mostly avoided RequireJS under the mistaken impression that it was overly complicated for my needs and only useful for large-scale applications. I was mistaken: it’s actually a fairly straightforward thing that can work just fine for small apps, and more importantly it encourages an organised and structured approach to JavaScript code. The RequireJS documentation is not, in…
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Fuji 14mm at the beach
Sunday 16th of August 2015
Strictly speaking I shouldn’t be doing this. The rules state that one should only use a single lens for the year, and I chose the Fuji 35mm f/1.4, yet here I am dallying with the 14mm f/2.8. In my defence, I like to think I’ve been photographing for long enough now that maybe I don’t need to stick quite so rigidly to what is essentially a learning exercise. I’m still primarily shooting with the …
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OCOLOY Week 23
Sunday 16th of August 2015
I will admit up front that I cheated just slightly with this week’s post, in that a couple of the pictures aren’t from the previous week’s shooting, but are instead from around a month ago when Zoe and I went to a nearby forest. Still, had I been actively participating in my project at the time, I would have used those pictures, so it’s not too much of a stretch. tap and blind shadows tap and …
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Fuji 14mm brief initial impressions
Saturday 15th of August 2015
I finally saved up enough to get a lens I’ve wanted for quite a while now: the Fuji XF 14mm f/2.8 R . This article is some of my first thoughts about the lens, in no particular order. Here’s my lens family now: Fuji lenses: 14mm, 35mm f/1.4, 18 – 55mm 14mm f/2.8, 35mm f/1.4, 18 – 55mm It’s about half way between the 35 and 18 – 55 in size and weight, and balances just fine on my X-E1. It comes with a…
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OCOLOY Week 22
Monday 10th of August 2015
Um. So it’s been a while since the previous one camera one lens post , and honestly, I’ve not even used my camera all that much between then and now. Time to fix that! The (completely unintentional) summer OCOLOY break is over, and I’ll be posting weekly updates again, although I’m switching to posting on Monday from now on, as that lets me spend more time, on Sunday, writing the posts. This week…
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Into Darkness
Sunday 14th of June 2015
I spent most of yesterday writing code , right on up until about 9pm, which left me in no frame of mind to sleep, so I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I got a bit lost, following a road into a housing estate then on to various footpaths that crossed fields. The light was like this when I started: the light at the start of my trek Getting dark, but nothing to worry about really. By the …
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OCOLOY Week 21
Sunday 7th of June 2015
Last week I reverted to monochrome, mostly to see how it would feel. I liked it well enough, but, for now at least, I like shooting in colour more. It fits better with my general mood, and with what I think of when I think ‘summer’ (even if some of the pictures aren’t particularly ‘summery’). I think also I want to try exploring more of the ‘wide-angle’ side of the 50mm-e field of view – to try …
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OCOLOY Week 20
Wednesday 3rd of June 2015
This week is a bit of an odd one out, for two reasons. First of all, some of these pictures are shot with my X100, which right away goes against the ‘one camera, one lens’ idea. I was checking to ensure it still worked properly since I was sending it to my brother, so I took it out on Saturday when Zoe and I went into Lowestoft town centre. I’d forgotten how … not great that camera’s EVF is – di…
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