OCOLOY Week 19
Monday 25th of May 2015
Quite an eventful week, this one: as mentioned previously , on Friday I headed down to London for the annual company ‘retreat’ (actually more of a company year-in-review). It was Zoe’s birthday on Saturday and my brother, who lives in Brighton, offered to let us stay at his house for the weekend, so Zoe met us in Brighton on Saturday and we had a lovely birthday meal at an Indian restaurant calle…
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OCOLOY Week 18
Wednesday 20th of May 2015
Hark at me, posting one of these on time for once! In part this is because I got up at 6 this morning, to try and get a little more used to early mornings (and consequent early nights) in preparation for Friday, when I’m heading to London for the annual company retreat. For which I need to catch the 05:42 train from Lowestoft. Rather than sit indoors trying to stay awake, I decided, since it’s a l…
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OCOLOY Week 17
Saturday 16th of May 2015
Not that long ago I said I was finally getting comfortable with the ‘normal’ field of view, in the same way that after a year of owning an X100 I got comfortable with that camera’s ‘wide normal’ view. I’m now also feeling a similar thing to what I felt before I caved and bought my X-E1: constraint, and perhaps boredom. Perhaps it’s part of the point of this exercise, to face these feelings and the…
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OCOLOY Week 16
Friday 8th of May 2015
This was a week of locational variety! At the weekend Zoe and I went to visit her sister in Cambridge, and on Wednesday I went to London on business. Alas, it was almost exclusively business, with little time to take pictures. Still, it was good to visit somewhere different from my usual local area, even if the 3 hour train journey each way is a bit of a chore. warehouse sundown warehouse sundow…
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OCOLOY Week 15
Thursday 30th of April 2015
It’s been another one of those super busy weeks with very little time or energy for photography, sadly. I did go on a nice bike ride, and Zoe and I went to visit a Roman Castle , but perhaps due to the relative novelty (still) of shooting in colour, a lot of the pictures turned out pretty similar. six six ride ride wall cloud 1 wall cloud 1 wall cloud 2 wall cloud 2 yellow field yellow …
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OCOLOY Week 14
Wednesday 22nd of April 2015
I think the colour experiment is going ok so far. I still feel good about it, although using my Capture One preset with contrasty images is proving a little challenging, and there’s no shortage of those with the weather we’ve been having here lately. It’s been interesting trying to see things in terms of more than just tones – trying to find nicely contrasting and harmonising colours, and using th…
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OCOLOY Week 13
Tuesday 14th of April 2015
As I mentioned previously , I’ve decided to try colour, as I felt that it’s a better fit for both the season and my mood lately. It’s harder than I thought it’d be. Shooting just in black and white for so long, I’ve become used to looking for shapes, patterns and tones, but now I have to do all of that plus ensure the colours are good too. I’m not sure I’ve been entirely successful so far, but it…
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Find the Colour
Wednesday 8th of April 2015
For my One Camera One Lens One Year project so far I’ve used a single Capture One preset, intended to emulate Tri-X film pushed 2 stops. I’ve been happy with the look, and have become used to pre-visualising scenes with it in mind, with some success I think. But spring is here now: in the past few days the weather has improved markedly, and along with it a kind of nostalgia mixed with a longing to…
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OCOLOY Week 12
Tuesday 7th of April 2015
This week was a nice change of pace as we went up to see Zoe’s parents for Easter. It’s been just about a year since we were last in the North West, and although I don’t really miss it, it was interesting to go back and see what, if anything, had changed (not much, it turns out). I also finally got my bike, which I’d left in the old house in Liverpool and had been meaning to get back ever since we…
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OCOLOY Week 11
Wednesday 1st of April 2015
I’m really starting to enjoy using this camera and lens combo now, and more importantly it feels just as comfortable and familiar as my X100 did after a year of use. I no longer feel constrained by the 50mm-e field of view; instead I’m simply accustomed to it and am able to recognise or dismiss potential scenes accordingly. The lens itself is not much of an issue either: for the type of shooting I…
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OCOLOY Week 10
Friday 27th of March 2015
A little late posting this week, as I’ve been very busy at work, on top of needing to get my car fixed. Anyway, week ten! One fifth of the way through, and I feel like I’m really starting to get comfortable with the 50mm-e focal length now. I’m finding it much easier to pre-visualise framing, so I’m able to move to a position, bring the camera up to my eye and have things more or less look how I e…
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[WoW] Improving Patch Notes
Friday 27th of March 2015
The Godmother, in a recent post , discussed ways to improve World of Warcraft patch notes, in response to a tweet by Blizzard Community Manager @Rygarius . The problem is that a significant number of people don’t read the patch notes, for many reasons: they might not even know they exist, they might not know where to find them, or perhaps they find them and see a huge wall of text and just “Nope…
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Oulton Broad
Saturday 21st of March 2015
I recently went to nearby Oulton Broad , a large lake and marshland west of Lowestoft. Luckily the weather was shiny, and although a little chilly, by the time I’d done a fair amount of walking I was plenty warm. Hopefully when the weather warms up a bit more Zoe and I will go out here for a picnic, and have a walk around the local town. Oulton Broad looking east from Bridge Road The view east …
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Wednesday 18th of March 2015
There are clearly not enough pictures of cats on the internet so this week I took some more. flag texture flag texture shed roof shed roof coin jar coin jar ornate shadow ornate shadow the junction The Junction playground wobbler playground wobbler dry flower buds dry flower buds
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[WoW] Field Photographer: Pandaria, Outland and Draenor
Sunday 15th of March 2015
The final part! Part one : Eastern Kingdoms, and part two : Kalimdor and Northrend, were quite a bit longer than this one, since there’s only ten pictures for these three maps combined. Seems a bit odd really that there aren’t more Draenor locations in particular, given that the achievement itself is part of the expansion. At some point next week I might also write a brief post about how I edite…
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