Beach boat details
Monday 18th of July 2016
Yesterday the weather was hot and shiny so I went for a walk to Pakefield beach. I hadn’t planned it at the time but it turns out I got a nice selection of detail shots of the various boats. yellow tarpaulin with bugs blue and yellow ropes blue rope and green tarpaulin frayed tarpaulin on wood gunwale frayed tarpaulin on red partially covered rusty wire grid stones on matting several boats on the …
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Overcoming Guild Wars 2 screenshot limitations
Wednesday 13th of July 2016
As mentioned in a previous post , I play Guild Wars 2, and like to take a lot of screenshots. The game client has a few annoying limitations though. First off, it can only output JPEG or Windows Bitmap (BMP) format; I’ve set it to BMP for highest quality, but Capture One 9, which I use for editing, doesn’t support this format, necessitating a conversion to something more suitable. The second prob…
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Dunwich Heath, overcast
Sunday 19th of June 2016
Zoe and I visited Dunwich Heath yesterday, primarily because it’s a nice place to go for a walk, but also because we hoped to get some nice photos. The sky was quite heavily overcast, though, putting a dampener on our pictorial ambitions, but we still enjoyed the walk (at least until about half way when Zoe’s boots started hurting her feet). bone white branches rusty padlock path into the woods sc…
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A side-blog
Monday 25th of April 2016
I’ve posted some Guild Wars 2-related things here before , but mostly this is a place for my photography and sometimes software dev stuff, so I’ve avoided posting too much GW2 things here. Up til now this has meant I’ve just not posted GW2 things anywhere, but after some prompting I’ve set up a Tumblr: https://dailytyria.tumblr.com/ It’s basically just a place I can post the hundreds of screens…
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Dunwich Heath in the evening
Monday 18th of April 2016
Summer is definitely on the way: the evenings are light for longer (sunset is around 20:00), the weather is warmer, and things are starting to grow green bits. I’ve visited Dunwich Heath before, earlier in the year, and although I got a nice walk out of it, I got there a little too late to get many decent photos, even with the tripod. This time though I arrived with enough time to enjoy an hour’…
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OCOLOY Week 52
Thursday 7th of April 2016
And here it is, the final week ! It’s been quite the journey, and I think has served its purpose excellently. I know my X-E1 and 35/1.4 now, their strengths and weaknesses, and I can set them up for a shot instinctively. I’m comfortable with the 50mm-e field of view, which I certainly wasn’t in the beginning . One perhaps surprising result of this experience is that it’s really dulled my cravi…
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OCOLOY Week 51
Wednesday 30th of March 2016
For this penultimate week, I decided to bend the rules a little, in that I actually used my X100 all week instead of the X-E1 and 35/1.4, thus foregoing the ‘one camera’ and ‘one lens’ aspects entirely. Not even the same focal length. But man have I missed the X100. I sent it to my brother months ago since he wanted to see if that 35mm-e field of view suited him before buying the equivalent lens f…
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OCOLOY Week 50
Monday 21st of March 2016
Fifty! Only two more after this, the end feels so close now. I’ve started forming some vague ideas about what I want to do with the huge volume of photos I’ve accumulated over the past year (and a bit, since I stalled several times). Since most of the pictures are from within a few miles, I think I’m going to do a kind of documentary project about Lowestoft and the surrounding areas, possibly from…
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OCOLOY Week 49
Sunday 13th of March 2016
Oops. I seem to have missed a week! Honestly, there’s no good reason for this, just a combination of forgetfulness and lack of motivation; that week, I really didn’t get out to take pictures much. Fortunately, this week was rather more productive: not only did I manage to get out for a few early morning walks, today Zoe and I went to Framlingham Castle ! That last time she was there the market wa…
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OCOLOY Week 48
Monday 29th of February 2016
All this week I’ve felt like this OCOLOY post was going to be pretty good, as I made a decent effort to get out with my camera several times and got some nice pictures as a result. I would have written this on time, too, except I got distracted by my shiny new printer, a Canon Pro-10S. It’s an A3 pigment ink printer, and it’s lovely – already I’ve gone through most of a 50 pack of PermaJet matte p…
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OCOLOY Week 47
Sunday 21st of February 2016
Following on from marriage on Tuesday, Zoe and I went on a small honeymoon to a country house hotel in northern Norfolk, courtesy of her sister. It was a little dark by the time we got there, thanks to some roadworks delaying us by half an hour on the way, but we still had time to enjoy a lovely walk around the large National Trust park behind the hotel. country garden livestock warning branches a…
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OCOLOY Week 46
Tuesday 16th of February 2016
Bit of a departure this week, as for one thing this post is late, but I have a good reason: I got married! Even though it was a low-key thing, it was still a bit stressful getting things prepared, so not much time for picture-taking. The other departure is colour. Most of these pictures were taken in Beccles and although the monochrome versions are ok, I still feel like the colour is necessary wit…
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OCOLOY Week 45
Sunday 7th of February 2016
Quite a ‘close to home’ week, this one, in that I didn’t really venture any further afield than Lowestoft, at least not anywhere photographically interesting. There industrial estate near Beccles where we went for breakfast, at a café called Posh Pigs, might have borne some fruit, if the weather was nicer and we’d had more free time to spend there, so it might be worth a return trip (even if just …
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OCOLOY Week 44
Sunday 31st of January 2016
Busy at work this week, and you know what that means: not many pictures taken – few enough, in fact, that I had to scavenge some from last week to make 7. The week wasn’t a total lazy-fest though, as I’ve started going running again, 3 times a week, using a 10K training thing on my phone. I say ‘running’ but at this stage it’s actually 80% walking, but given how unfit I am, running for 1 minute at…
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OCOLOY Week 43
Sunday 24th of January 2016
Bit of a slow week, this one, with no good pictures taken during the most of the week – all but one of this week’s pictures are from my trip to Hunstanton on Saturday. I find it interesting the difference in choice of pictures for that post versus this one; I can’t quite explain it but they seem less… abstract? Prettier? light house and coast guard three black rocks cliff face big square rock …
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